Most of Attack on Titan 2’s story is presented through fully voiced and well animated cutscenes. This addition doesn’t change the overall story of the series, but it does manage to add a whole new layer to Attack on Titan, allowing you to get close to each of the characters. Following the trend of recent anime titles, players can create their own cadet and fight alongside Eren and the rest of the Attack on Titan cast. The biggest change from this retelling is the addition of a customizable avatar character. Like Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom, Attack on Titan 2 tells the story of its source material from the very beginning. Attack on Titan 2 managed to fix this issue for me while also offering a unique albeit slightly repetitive action experience. I’ve always felt that the characters didn’t get enough time to develop before being whisked off to battle, only to be eaten by an enemy titan. Until now, I wasn’t the biggest fan of the Attack on Titan series.