() SnmpMibObject enterprises.8595 /*WWS Technology*/ The configuration of each port c an be different.ĬM and MTA SNMP Vendor objects List of SNMP Objects from some vendors. For example, a MTA with 12 ports can use the. 9 and can increase depending on the physical ports of the MTA. 9 means the index of the physical telephone port number 1. Best practicesĬM structure and Basic Service flows Main Managing vendor objects on configuration files 4. Global parameters and SNMP configuration objects 3. I want to help you create a standard that best fits your needs and customer demands. Regardless of the manufacturer you are currently using be it Cisco, Arris-Motorola or WWS know that the functionality of all CPE’s is the same but each OEM has their particular way of doing things. The purpose of this training is to give you a better understanding of CPE config files and how best to use them to your advantage. Handling DOCSIS cable modem and MTA configuration files